Sales Management
Online course for business owners and top management of the company. You will get a complete sales management system, learn how to work with finances and accounts receivable, understand investments and optimization of business processes.

Harvard method
case study method
Taught by experts
from the world’s leading business schools
at your convenience
Free access
to course materials
For whom this course is for

Commercial and Financial Director
- Understand each stage of sales and manage them easily
- Learn how to implement and operate CRM effectively
- Learn how to manage business processes and their quality

Sales executive / sales director
- Understand all levels of sales: from tactics to strategy
- Learn how to systematize your operations.
- Learn how to make investment decisions, and learn how to manage change and innovation.

Business owner and general manager
- Improve your management skills, learn how to build a system in the sales department and work with finances
- You will be able to plan your professional development and qualify for a higher income.
What you will learn
Create a sales department and build processes in it
Work with corporate finances and accounts receivable
Optimize business processes and manage their quality
Hire employees and build a team
Managing your time and productivity
Understand and manage innovation
Manage change in the comManage change in the companypany
Analyze investment projects and make investment decisions
How this course differs from similar ones

Harvard Case Method
Training is supported by “live” examples, and for the assimilation of knowledge are considered specific cases of real companies.

Expert Teachers
Professors from the world’s leading business schools and experts working with RBC-500 clients teach.

You can learn at your own pace and start with more relevant topics
All course content will be available immediately, unlike face-to-face courses and webinars at fixed times. You can take the course at your own pace.

An up-to-date program without “water”
You don’t have to go through long lectures to get to the point. The course contains only useful and structured information.

Lifetime access to content and updates
We regularly update the course and add more content. All new topics and cases will be available to you free of charge.

Personal consultation with the course expert
You will have an hour-long personal consultation with a course expert, where you can review your cases and get recommendations.
Why 370,000 people have chosen our courses

Interactive lessons
Webinars and long lectures are a thing of the past: we have game-based training – simulators, cases and scenarios

Best teachers
Experts from the world’s leading companies, as well as Harvard and Stanford professors, lead the way to the result

Practical skills
No “water” – only knowledge that you will definitely need for employment or career advancement

Career prospects
We fight the “impostor syndrome” and reach a new level – our graduates get jobs in leading companies

Along with the leaders
We know exactly who HR managers of the world’s largest companies are looking for, because we’ve been working with them since 2013.
How does the training go

Watch lectures and case studies at your own pace

Perform test tasks on interactive simulators

If you have any questions, send them to a supervisor

Complete practical assignments and submit them for review

How long will it take me to take the course?
It’s up to you. Some people do it in four months of intensive work. Some need more time. You learn at your own pace at any time of day or night.
Will I be able to communicate with my sponsor?
Yes, we’ll send you a link to your personal chat with your mentor, where you can ask him or her any questions and discuss your progress.
How long will I get access to the course?
Access to the course is granted permanently.
What does a free expert consultation include?
You will call the course expert on a 1-1 video call and he will break down your specific case on how to build an OP, hiring employees, analytics in CRM and working with competitors. The duration of the consultation is up to 60 minutes.